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I'm taking you all back a few years to 2019 when this simple yet beautiful event was held.

And i feel before i can show you *todays* events, I feel i need to take you all back in time, to show you all the things I was apart of that I never got to *really* show you! Including all the feels and lessons learnt!

I was apart of ALOT of (free) collaborations in 2018/2019 - 26 to be exact-ish ( from what I can remember lol) and while they were ALL soo stunning, some of my fav events to date and opened a few non profitable doors, I learnt very quickly ( yet stubbornly didn't act ) that doing free collabs didn't pay the bills or put food on the table despite
I'm taking you all back a few years to 2019 when this simple yet beautiful event was held. And i feel before i can show you *todays* events, I feel i need to take you all back in time, to show you all the things I was apart of that I never got to *really* show you! Including all the feels and lessons learnt! I was apart of ALOT of (free) collaborations in 2018/2019 - 26 to be exact-ish ( from what I can remember lol) and while they were ALL soo stunning, some of my fav events to date and opened a few non profitable doors, I learnt very quickly ( yet stubbornly didn't act ) that doing free collabs didn't pay the bills or put food on the table despite "exposure". It was a hard lesson to learn and took me 3 years to really understand the lesson and how valuable my time and skills were. I struggled to say no or ask to be paid, even just for my time or for materials. I truly believed that there would be some sort of R.O.I ( return on investment), but there wasn't, well, not financially anyways and not instantly either. Having said all that, though, I do see the "value" in doing the "right" collab. Not every collab will be in your best interest, but if you land your ideal one, it can do wonders for you. Some things I've learnt: - make sure their target audience is your target audience. - check their insights and engagement rates. Ask them for it! - make sure they are a brand that actually cares about you and your business and not just after freebies. ( that never ends well) - a green flag would be they pay for your time or materials at minimum ( you shouldn't be going out of pocket for their event. Exposure is not payment.) - a red flag would be a last Min request ( can you do xyz in exchange for exposure by this weekend ) note: if they pay you for it, it's a green flag and their organisation skills are prob just lacking ( which is common in the industry). - if they mention they will tag you, do story mentions, etc, make sure you have a contract stating all these wonderful things. Especially when they will do it, how many times and what photos/videos they will use, etc. I know it sounds OTT, but come the event, sometimes they "forget," and there goes your r.o.i.